Volume 3 (2024)
Research Article
Photoluminescence of Staphylococcus Aureus, Staphylococcus Saprophyticus and Рseudomonas Aerugenosa
Yu А Bandurin*; Sh B Molnar; BM Sharga; О Yu Bandurin; ОO Bandurin
The measurement technique and the results obtained by optical spectroscopy during excitation of bacterial biomass Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Рseudomonas aerugenosa by photons described. The photoluminescence spectra of bacterial biomass
Review Article
Isolation of Marine Microalgae for Biodiesel Production
Arti Sharma*; Bhupendra Kumar Verma
Microalgae is one of the best sources of renewable energy production, such as biofuels. The production of biodiesel from microalgae has several advantages, including the high productivity of lipid and the possibility of cultivating them on marginal land. One of the challenges
Case Report
A Pituitary Stalk Interruption Associated with Severe Hypoplasia of The Olfactory Bulb: A Case Report
S Habibi; Y Lammini; Z Essolaymany*; Abourazzak; M Hida
Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome, an uncommon cause of growth hormone deficiency and hypopituitarism, is often revealed during the neonatal period and in childhood. The association with Kallmann syndrome (a rare genetic disease, associating hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Research Article
The Association Between Health Literacy, Subjective Well-Being, Knowledge About Dietary Supplements and Dietary Supplements Intake in a Sri Lankan University Population
MS Dileeha; DHDWT Amayanthi; TMIUK Tennakoon*
To determine the association between health literacy, subjective well-being, and knowledge about dietary supplements and dietary supplement intake among the staff members at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Case Report
Pulmonary Valve Infective Endocarditis Complicating Patent Ductus Arteriosus: A Case Report and Surgical Management
Alaa Altamimi, MD; Mehdi Belhakim, MD*; Samia Ejjebli, MD; Meryem Amri, MD; Abdenaser Drighil, MD; Rachida Habbal, MD
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart defect that, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications, including infective endocarditis. Although infective endocarditis primarily affects the left side of the heart, cases involving the right side, particularly the pulmonary valve, are exceedingly rare.
Research Article
Effect of Early Enteral Nutrition on Clinical Outcome of Acute Pancreatitis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Ying He, MS, MD; Sitao Tan, MS, MD; Shiran Qin, BS, MD; Xiaoxia Liu, MS, MD; Hongbo Li, MS, MD; Xiaoyu Chen, PhD, MD*
Early nutritional intervention is a crucial consideration in the management of acute pancreatitis, as the presence of nutritional risk can significantly impact the prognosis of the condition. This meta-analysis aims to investigate the effects of early enteral nutrition on patients with acute pancreatitis, assessing both the safety and efficacy of this therapeutic approach.
Research Article
Comparative Efficacy of PRP Combined with Acupoint Injection, PRP Monotherapy, and HA Injection in Knee Osteoarthritis: Evaluation of Short - and Long-Term Outcomes
Hui Zhao#; Jiahao Yang#; Puji Peng; Hongyun Liu; Junhua Wei; Binqiang Chen; Sanhu Wang; Hongjun Zhang*
This study aims to compare the short- and long-term effects of intra-articular Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections combined with acupoint injections versus PRP injections alone and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) intra-articular injections in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.
Review Article
Rethinking a Routine Pharmacokinetics Paradigm: The Advanced In Silico Models
Oleg Shiryaev; Alexander Bukhvostov; Dmitry Kuznetsov*
Ligand efficiency is a widely used design parameter in drug discovery. The dependence of ligand efficiency on the concentration unit can be eliminated by defining efficiency in terms of sensitivity of affinity to molecular size and this is illustrated with reference to fragment-to-lead optimizations.
Research Article
Burden of Viral and Bacterial Respiratory Infections in Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2013-2023
Martin Nyahoda*; Annie Kalonda; Katendi Changula; Ngonda Saasa; Edgar Simulundu
Respiratory infections are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare the prevalence between viral and bacterial respiratory pathogens.
Case Report
A Rare Location of Intramuscular Vascular Malformation: A Case Report
Duaa Knaj*; Ghanem Ahmad; Issa Ahmad
Intramuscular vascular malformations are benign malformations of skeletal muscle vessels. These rare tumors can cause significant symptoms and should be accurate diagnosed. A 25-year-old Syrian woman presented in 2015 with dyspnea and difficulty speaking.
Research Article
Transcateter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) in Patients: Relationship between Renal Resistive Index and Central Aortic Pressure
Şeyda Şahin; Mehdi Karasu*; Yücel Karaca; Örsan Deniz Urgun; İbrahim Halil Kurt
Transcatheter Aortic Valve İmplantation (TAVI) is an alternative to surgical procedure for patients with severe aortic stenosis, which has been applied in recent years. It is widely accepted that the Resistive İndex (RI).
Research Article
Effects of Hematopoietic Oxidative Therapy on Diabetes and Hyperlipidemia When Direct Irradiation of Low-Dose Ultraviolet-C to the Blood
Gi-Beum Kim; Jong-Suk kim*
The study evaluates the effects of Haematogenous Oxidation Therapy (HOT) on the blood when a low dose of Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) is directly irradiated to the blood in diabetes and Hyperlipidemia (HL) rabbit model and to evaluate the effects of treatment on diabetic and HL rabbit.
Research Article
Purification of Aconitine, The Main Ingredient of Aconitum Ciliare Decaisne Using Alkaline Compounds
Jong-Ung Youn; Gi-Beum Kim*
Aconiti tuber is used after its toxicity is reduced by using various processing methods, Suchi (Processing. The processing to use medicine of plants, animals, minerals in Korean and Chinese medicine. It use lots of method like dividing, softening, detoxication.
Research Article
Importance of Factors Affecting Uterine Atony: Analysis Based on Neural Networks
Jun-Yu Pan; Ling Wang*; Kai-Feng Liu; Sheng-Yun Xie
Uterine atony can prolong labor or lead to postpartum hemorrhage, posing a threat to life. Predicting uterine atony prenatally is crucial for choosing delivery methods and formulating emergency strategies.
Case Report
Successful Live Birth in a 42-Year-Old Chinese Female Survivor with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Following Obtained Autologous Viable Embryo at 41-Year-Old via Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: A Case Report and Literature Review
Yun-Hui Lai†; Zhe Wang†; Yu-Dong Liu; Shi-ling Chen*
To report a healthy live birth in a 42-year-old advanced age woman who obtained autologous oocyte at 41-year-old via Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and formed her own only viable embryo. She developed into Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) after allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) following her diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) 23 years ago.
Research Article
Synergistic Anticancer and Antibacterial Effects of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Extract-Loaded Chitosan NPs against Staphylococcus Aureus-Associated MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells
Cletus Anes Ukwubile*; Bem Bartholomew Ijoh; Semen Ibrahim Gangpete
Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent cancers among women, often co-occurring with bacterial infections such as those caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This co-infection can exacerbate disease progression, complicate treatment, and negatively impact patient outcomes.
Short Commentary
Targeting Neuronal STING Protects from Multiple Sclerosis
Xiaoli Liao; Zhennan Guo; Mouhai He; Yichun Zhang*
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder of the Central Nervous System (CNS), characterized by cytokine dysregulation, CNS inflammation, demyelination and axonal loss, which manifests mostly in young adults between ages of 20 and 30 years.
Research Article
Pan-Cancer Analysis of HSP90AB1 Prognosis and Immune Effects: A Potential Target for Survival and Immunotherapy
Shichao Liu*; Xiaolan Shao; Renyi Geng; Jinxin Wang
Emerging evidence reveals an important role of Heat shock protein 90 kDAα, Class B, Member 1 (HSP90AB1) in cancer initiation, development, and progression, but no pan-cancer analysis of HSP90AB1 has been performed.
Research Article
SLC39A10 Expression is Associated with the Prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and the Tumor Immune Microenvironment
Siqi Li; Shichao Liu*
Zinc is essential for cellular processes and has been implicated in the development of various malignancies. The protein SLC39A10, which facilitates zinc transport, is suspected to contribute to tumor growth in multiple types of cancer.
Research Article
Investigating the Causal Relationship Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Neuroimaging Features Using Mendelian Randomization
Kai Wang; Dehai Xian; Kaiwen Yang*
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) primarily affects joints but can also impact the brain. Research suggests RA may alter brain function through inflammation, but the causal link remains unclear. This study utilizes Mendelian Randomization (MR) to explore the causal relationship between RA and various neuroimaging features.
Case Report
Severe Encephalitis Complicated by Intracranial Hypertension and Incipient Uncal Herniation in a 41-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report
Celeste Bonomi D'Imperio; Rafael Suárez Del Villar Carrero*
We present a case of a 41-year-old female who developed encephalitis complicated by increased intracranial pressure (HTIC) and incipient uncal herniation. The patient presented with fever, headache, and progressive loss of consciousness.
Case Report
Biliary Atresia Polysplenic Malformation Syndrome: Case Report
Ibtissam El Ouali*; Kawtar Imrani; Kenza Berrada; Hiba Zahi; Nabil Moatassim Billah; Ittimade Nassar
Biliary atresia is a rare disease of unknown etiology characterized by an obstruction of biliary ducts occurring during the prenatal period due to progressive fibrosis of extrahepatic biliary ducts.
Clinical Image
A Complicated Form of Penetrating Aortic Ulcer Revealed by Hemoptysis
Ibtissam El Ouali*; Kenza Berrada; Soumiya El Graini; Omar El Oufir
Penetrating Aortic Ulcer (PAU), first described in 1934, consists of an ulcerating atherosclerotic lesion located in the aortic wall that penetrates the intima and progresses through the internal elastic lamina into the media causing formation of hematoma within it.
Short Commentary
Risk Management in Dental Practice: Challenges and Strategies for Enhancing Patient Safety
Ashish Pandey*
Risk management in dental practice has evolved as a critical component of clinical care, ensuring the safety of both patients and practitioners. As dental treatments become more complex and technologies advance, understanding the multifaceted risks associated with dental procedures is paramount.
Case Report
Infantile Capillary Hemangioma in 3-Month-Old Girl: A Case Report
Arun Naphe Khatri*
Infantile hemangiomas are common vascular tumors occurring in infancy and early childhood, with a prevalence of approximately 5-10% among infants. These hemangiomas develop due to an abnormal proliferation of capillaries, which are densely packed and lack open lumens.
Research Article
Investigating Gene Expression Profiles in Interstitial Cystitis (IC): Unraveling Molecular Mechanisms and Potential Therapeutic Targets
Adishi Ranjan*
Interstitial Cystitis (IC), also known as painful bladder syndrome, is a chronic disease that significantly reduces the quality of life for patients. Symptoms include pelvic pain, increased urinary frequency, urgency, and inflammation of the mucosa and interstitial layers of the bladder [1].
Case Report
Pulmonary Veno Occlusive Disease - A Rare Cause of Pulmonary Hypertension: A Case Report
Perera MNSK*; Gunapala A
Pulmonary veno occlusive disease is a rare cause of pulmonary hypertension which has a relentlessly progressive course with high morbidity and mortality. Because of rarity of the disease, management options are also not well established.
Short Report
Pneumopenile Secondary to Rectal Cancer Perforation
Mera-Velasco S; María Pilar Gutiérrez-Delgado*; Carrasco-Campos J; González-Poveda I
Recto-ureteral fistulas are an unusual disease, mainly associated with prostate cancer, either secondary to radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy, with an estimated incidence of <2% of cases. Our team presents an even more exceptional case, due to a recto-prostatic-penileal fistula secondary to a perforated rectal neoplasm.
Short Report
Infection Prevention and Control Measures of Patients who Died of Septic Shock after Gastric Tumor Surgery
Liu-Li†; Liu-Meixia†; An-Juan*
A 53-year-old man presented with abdominal distension and vomiting lasting three months. Further examination in the ward confirmed a diagnosis of antral malignant tumor with pyloric obstruction. The patient was then transferred to surgical oncology.
Research Article
Formulations and Evaluations of Lozenges Containing Freeze Dried Aqueous Extract of Vernonia Amygdalina Combined with Glibenclamide or Metformin for Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Udem Ngozi Dorathy*; Adikwu Michael Umale; Anaga Aruh
The aim is to formulate freeze dried Vernonia Amygdalina (VA) lozenges dosage form. VA lozenges combined with Glibenclamide and Metformin standard anti-diabetic effect will also be studied. This will enable proper dosing of VA for patients that are unable to swallow solid drugs.
Research Article
Long COVID Syndrome Associated Clinical Characteristic on the Qinghai Plateau and Plateau Plants Treatment Strategies
Juan Hao; Dewei Hou; Jijie Li; Lu Wang; Huiqiong Zhang; Tai Jiu; Xiuting Cao*
Long Covid is an emerging public health public problem; the ligering symptoms after Covid-19 infection can last weeks to months. At present, no pharmacologic agent has been know that effectively reduces or abolishes the symptoms of long COVID.
Short Commentary
The Role of Systemic Inflammation in the Progression of Chronic Diseases: A Review
Muhannad Q Alanazi*
Chronic diseases, such as Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), are among the most pressing global health challenges of the 21st century [1]. These conditions account for a significant portion of morbidity and mortality worldwide, placing an immense burden on healthcare systems and societies [2].
Case Report
Comprehensive Study on Impact of Personalized Lifestyle Modification for Type 2 Diabetes Management
Annie Mattilda Raymond*
Type 2 diabetes is described as a combination of low amounts of insulin production from pancreatic β-cells and peripheral insulin resistance [1]. One of insulin's primary functions is its role as an anabolic hormone. It significantly enhances glycogen synthesis in the liver and muscles, promoting the storage of glucose as glycogen.
Case Report
New Onset Psychosis Associated with Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report and Possible Mechanisms
Christine Whitehead; Leenil Noel; Wenxin Song; Gabrielle Rivera-Maldonado; Adam J Fusick*
The COVID-19 virus is classically associated with acute respiratory tract infectious syndrome. However, specific symptoms are known to persist following viral resolution, including psychiatric symptoms.
Short Commentary
Study of Prevalence of Silicosis in Rural Area of Dausa
Devi Narayan Sharma; Menka Kapil*
Silicosis is one of the most serious occupational health problems worldwide. It is thought to be more prevalent in low and medium-income countries. Individual studies among workers exposed to silica dust in various industries, reveals high prevalence of silicosis in India.
Review Article
Type 2 Diabetes Treatments in Countries of Different Economic Status
Da-Yong Lu*; Jin-Yu Che; Ting-Ren Lu
Diabetes is a global epidemic disease (approximately 1/10 of human patient population ranging from 17-70 years suffering from diabetes). Its influence and damage to human health and death is beyond doubts.
Review Article
Global Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality: A Comparative Survey of Country-Specific Outcomes
Murad Ali Khan*
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant global mortality, with substantial variations in death rates across different countries. This paper presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of COVID-19 mortality, examining the factors influencing these variations.
Research Article
Red Cell Distribution Width as a Diagnostic Clue for Viral Infections among Eastern Sudanese: Outlooks and Challenges
Bashir Abdrhman Bashir Mohammed*
Viral diseases continue to be a major threat to global health, so priority is given to limited health care. Red Blood cell distribution Width (RDW), a clue of red blood cell size (anisocytosis), is a potential forecasting sign for the severity of numerous diseases.
Case Report
Pembrolizumab Efficacy in Metastatic Colon Cancer: Case Report
Behrooz Gharib; Amineh Sadat Vaghefi; Ramin Ajami; Sam Ajami; Asieh Shakib*
Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and second leading cause of cancer-related death in the world. Chemotherapy has been shown to be a more effective treatment for colorectal cancer over the past two decades and additionally survival rates have begun to increase further with the introduction of targeted monoclonal antibodies.
Research Article
A Study on the Factors Influencing Mortality Risk in Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury based on Analysis of the MIMIC Database
Tianjun Yang*
Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury (SA-AKI) significantly increases mortality and healthcare burdens. Identifying key mortality risk factors is crucial for improving patient outcomes. This study aims to pinpoint the primary factors affecting mortality in SA-AKI patients using the MIMIC-III database. A retrospective analysis was conducted on 4,868 SA-AKI patients from the MIMIC-III database. Clinical data from the first 24 hours of ICU admission were analyzed using logistic regression to identify mortality predictors.
Research Article
Sarcopenia and its Influencing Factors in Patients with Stage IIIB-IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Shaoming Huang*
To investigate the incidence and influencing factors of sarcopenia in patients with stage IIIB-IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). A total of 152 patients with IIIB-IV NSCLC were enrolled and their body composition were measured. The incidence of sarcopenia in IIB-IV NSCLC patients was 40.13%, which related to age, diabetes mellitus, Body Mass Index (BMI), and other body component.
Case Report
Angiosarcoma of External Auditory Canal Masquerading as Pyogenic Granuloma
Shriya Gupta*; Kaustubh Kahane; Manodnya Jalvi; Mangesh Bardale
Sarcomas are rare and heterogeneous mesenchymal tumours that occur in deep soft tissue and bone. Most sarcomas are locally invasive with early metastatic potential since their progenitors are not delimited by basement membranes as are epithelial cells.
Short Report
The Role of PRAME in Malignant Melanoma: From Biomarker to Therapeutic Target
Ghada Elayat; Abdel-Ghani Selim*
Malignant melanoma, a highly aggressive form of skin cancer originating from melanocytes, presents challenges in clinical management due to its propensity for metastasis and therapy resistance. Preferentially Expressed Antigen in Melanoma (PRAME) has recently emerged as a promising candidate for both diagnosis and therapy in malignant melanoma.
Research Article
Evaluation of Estrogen Hormone Effects on Neurogenesis, Memory, and Learning by Golgi Staining Technique in Mice
Leila Mirzaeian; Mohammad Taghi Ghorbanian*; Khadijeh Bahrehbar; Azimeh Akhlaghpour
Many neural and behavioral functions are affected by estrogens, including mood, cognitive function, and learning. The hippocampus is one of the areas of the brain whose function is related to cognition, memory, and learning and is involved in Alzheimer's disease.
Case Report
Highly Effective Combined Antifungal Therapy with Liposomal Amphotericin B and Isavuconazole in a Severe Case of Breakthrough Disseminated Fusariosis in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Tobar Cabrera Claudia Patricia*; Cristinelli Caterina; Di Matteo Angela; Cavanna Caterina; Rossi Marianna; Roncoroni Elisa; Gelli Eleonora; Martini Gianluca; Calabretta Ludovica; Sciarra Roberta; Bono Elisa; Gotti Manuel; Arcaini Luca; Zappasodi Patrizia
Breakthrough Fusarium infection during antifungal prophylaxis is an emerging problem and a life-threatening condition, especially in immunocompromised hematological patients; thus, early identification of infection and appropriate and aggressive antifungal therapy are required.
Research Article
The Axiology of Consciousness in Mocombeian Consciousness Field Theory
Paul C Mocombe*
This work explores the axiology of consciousness in Mocombe's consciousness field in the material world. The paper critically assesses Mocombe's consciousness field theory within the larger body of contemporary ontological debates regarding the nature, origin, and constitution of consciousness in the universe.
Case Report
Tricuspid Regurgitation and Acute Right-Sided Heart Failure: Unexpected Complications of Thyrotoxicosis
F Essadqi*; L Afendi; L Tlohi; A El Bouazizi; A Drighil
Hyperthyroidism, characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones, can cause various cardiovascular complications, ranging from palpitations and exercise intolerance to severe conditions like atrial fibrillation and heart failure.
Research Article
Molecular Docking and ADMET Studies of some Secondary Metabolites from Buchholzia Coriacea which Target Inos and COX-2 related to Paracetamol Hepatotoxicity
Fakoya A; Abdul-Salam ND; Ajayi DC; Moshood RT; Akinbiodun OJ; Ayodele O; Ekundayo YA; Adeola K; Olusola AO*
Paracetamol (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol; APAP) is a widely used over-the counter analgesic and antipyretic drug, overdose of APAP leads to hepatotoxicity. Buchholzia coriacea plant is useful in folk's medicine for the treatment of a wide range of diseases due to its secondary metabolites.
Clinical Image
Severe Course of Herpes Zoster due to Hepatitis C
Saranyuk Roman Vladimirovich*
The patient, 65 years old, sought medical help for a rash on his torso and severe pain. According to the patient, before the onset of the above symptoms, fever and malaise were noted for 2 days. On clinical examination, a pronounced vesicular rash with a tendency to fusion of vesicles is noted on the skin of the back on the right.
Case Report
Atrial Fibrillation as the initial presentation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy induced by Hyperthyroidism: A Case Report
A El Bouazizi*; F Essadqi; L Afendi; A El Aiassi; R Habbal*
Dilated cardiomyopathy is a heart condition characterized by the dilation of hear chambers and decreased systolic function of the left ventricle. Hyperthyroidism, an excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, can induce severe cardiovascular disturbances, including dilated cardiomyopathy.
Case Report
Unveiling Tuberculous Constrictive Pericarditis: A Case of Ascites as the Telltale Sign
L Laklalech; M Belhakim*; A Arous; F Dommane; S Elmazozi; M Bouziane; M Haboub; S Arous; G Bennouna; A Drighil; R Habbal
Ascites, often associated with cirrhosis decompensation, can have diverse origins, including extra-hepatic causes. Constrictive Pericarditis (CP) represents a persistent inflammatory condition marked by enduring scarring, fibrosis, and calcification of the pericardium, resulting in impaired diastolic function and, ultimately, decreased cardiac output leading to heart failure.
Clinical Image
Unusual Presentation of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia in an Elderly Patient
H Karmouchi; M Belhakim*; M Bouziane; M Haboub; S Arous; G Bennouna; A Drighil; R Habbal
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD) is a genetic myocardial disorder characterized by progressive fibrofatty infiltration, predisposing to arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death, primarily affecting young individuals [1,2]. Here, we present the case of an 87-year-old female with no significant medical history, initially admitted for chest pain and palpitations.
Review Article
Trends in the Application of Dyadic Coping in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their Spouses
Yonghong Jiang; Lin Wang*; Lixia Peng
Dyadic coping plays an important role in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and their spouses. Significant correlations were found between dyadic coping and self-efficacy, anxiety and depression, marital quality, and quality of life in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and their spouses.
Case Report
Cardiological Challenges in Managing Right Heart Failure due to Carcinoid Tumor: A Case Report
L Afendi*; A El Aiassi; F Essadqi; A El Bouaazizi; M Bouziane*
We present the clinical case of a 63-year-old patient treated for endometrial and breast neoplasia, currently under follow-up for a carcinoid tumor of the small intestine. The patient, who refused surgical intervention for her carcinoid tumor, was admitted for right heart failure. ....
Research Article
Analysis of Cardio-Embolic Strokes: Clinical and Radiological Perspectives in Morocco
F Essadqi*; L Afendi; A El Aiassi; A El Bouazizi; R Habbal
Cardio-Embolic Ischemic Strokes (CEIS) are severe strokes caused by emboli originating from the heart. These events are often sudden and severe, leading to significant consequences for patients and the healthcare system. This study aims to analyze the clinical and radiological characteristics of CEIS in a Moroccan population admitted to cardiological emergencies between December 2023 and June 2024.....
Research Article
Alzheimer's Disease Treatment through Chronic Antiorthostatic Sleeping in -40 to -500 and Periodic and Progressive Conditions, Simulated Microgravity and Blood Shift to the Head
Nikolai C Neofitov*; Yevgeni S Neonov; Sergei K Denogratov; Pavel L Merkov
Chronic Antiorthostatic Sleeping (CAS) in -40 to -500 involves periodic and Progressive Conditions (PPC), Simulated Microgravity (SMG) and Blood Shift to the Head (BSH) that boost blood to the brain. We hypothesized that CAS could t treat Alzheimer's disease. We sought to determine the extent to which CAS treat Alzheimer's disease....
Research Article
A Simple and Novel Method to Reduce Heavy Metal Contamination from Aqueous Solutions and Herbal Extracts
Somesh Shintre; Sanman Kolhe; Shankar Vidhate; Sriram Padmanabhan*
Alternate methods and new technology that can effectively remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions is increased as a result of the industrial revolution. Such methods find immense use in reduction of heavy metals in herbal extracts making it safe for human consumption.
Research Article
Innovative Recycled PET 3-D Printed Foot Abduction Orthosis for Infant Clubfoot Treatment
Peredy Khwesa*; Salsawit Tesfaye Yigrem; Dagmawi Samuel Bekele; Moy Tadesse Lemma
This paper presents the development of an innovative and cost-effective 3-D printed Foot Abduction Orthosis (FAO) for the treatment of infant clubfoot, specifically addressing the challenges faced in resource-constrained regions such as Ethiopia. The Ponseti technique of treating clubfoot, also known as congenital talipes equinovarus, necessitates the use of FAOs, which are often prohibitively expensive in low-resource settings.
Case Report
Case Report of Intraoperative Anaphylactic Shock and Post-Operative Methemoglobinemia-Cetrimide induced during Hepatic Hydatid Cyst Surgery
Patricia Nehme*; N Choueifaty; J El Bitar; P Nader
Hydatid cyst is a parasitic infection most commonly localized in the liver. They may not be diagnosed early because they remain asymptomatic at small sizes and may reach large sizes at the time of diagnosis. In this situation, compression symptoms may occur and they may present with serious complications such as rupture and anaphylactic shock, which are rare. Treatment methods are determined by classification according to the imaging techniques used in the diagnosis.
Short Report
Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization of MCA Bifurcation and Literature Review
Xiao-Dong Wang*
Coil embolization of aneurysms, after more than 20 years of clinical practice shows that several conditions must be met: 1. After the necessary interval, the entire aneurysm can achieve and maintain effective hemostasis.
Case Report
A Case Study of Comorbid Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures and Epileptic Seizures in an Adolescent Female with Depression
He Yangliuqing; Liang Fenrong; Wang Yiming*; Wei Yuhan; Ma Tianpei
Among patients with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES), about 10% to 30% have epilepsy, which brings some difficulties in diagnosis. Usually, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures and epileptic seizures occur independently at different points in time, and their performance is similar, but rarely seizures can occur several times in a row.
Review Article
Counseling for Diabetes
Michael F Shaughnessy*; James Devlin
Individuals who have been diagnosed with either Type I or Type II diabetes face a number of emotional challenge. Children and adolescents are faced with self-monitoring and trips to the local physician and adults are faced with dietary and self-medication challenges. This paper explores some of the issues faced by counselors who work with children/adolescents and adults with diabetes.
Research Article
Photoluminescence of L-Valine Irradiated with Small Doses
Yu А Bandurin*; Yu V Fedurtsja; А V Rusin; Sh B Molnar; О Yu Bandurin
The measurement technique and the results obtained by optical spectroscopy during excitation of L-valine molecules by photons described. The photoluminescence spectra of L-valine studied in the wavelength range 400-700 nm during excitation by photons of different energies 3.26-4.51 eV.
Review Article
Investigating Microbial Dynamics and Bacterial Vaginosis Susceptibility in Women who have Sex with Women
Julia Vinagolu-Baur; Kelly Frasier; Vivian Li; Darianne Zimmer; Abigail Zimmer; Michelle Sobotka
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) remains a prevalent gynecologic health concern, with emerging research indicating a potential association between women who have sex with women (WSW) and an increased susceptibility to BV infections.
Case Report
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Triggered by COVID-19: A Case Report and Literature Review
Yuexia Zhang; Qian Zhang; Xuan Wang; Rui Song; Jiaofeng Bai; Ruirui Zheng; Zhichen Zhang; Bianli Lian; Yaozhu Pan*
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare life-threatening inflammatory response syndrome associated with immune deregulation, which is prone to misdiagnosis due to the lack of specificity of clinical symptoms, leading to poor prognosis. COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease with high infectiousness caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Research Article
Alzheimer's Disease Treatment with Chronic Antiorthostatic Sleeping in -4o to -50o, Periodic and Progressive Conditions, Blood Shift to the Head and Simulated Microgravity
Alexei B Fedorov; Sergei K Denogratov; Nikolai C Neofitov*; Pavel L Merkov
Chronic antiorthostatic sleeping (CAS) in -40 to -500 involves Periodic and Progressive Conditions (PPC), Blood Shift to the Head (BSH) and simulated microgravity (SMG) and blood boosts to the brain. We hypothesized that CAS could treat Alzheimer's disease. We sought to determine the extent to which CAS could treat Alzheimer's.
Research Article
Centralized Medical Observation in the COVID-19 Response: A Retrospective Field Study
Jian Jiang*; Wenqing Rao; Xuwei Tang; Xiangju Hu; Shuting Wu
Non-drug interventions are the most active and effective response strategies until the availability of 100% effective vaccines and antiviral drugs. As one of the important means of non-drug interventions, centralized medical observation plays a crucial role in the epidemic prevention and control.
Short Commentary
The Role of Five Classical Signs of Inflammation in the Pathogenesis and Clinical Picture of Acute Pneumonia
Igor Klepikov*
The modern understanding of of the acute inflammatory process of the lungs is based on the characteristics of pathogens, the aggressive properties of which modern medicine has been trying for many years to explain the severity and nuances of clinical manifestations, and their effective neutralization is presented as the main and in fact the only way to achieve a therapeutic effect.
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Skull Shape Traumatic White Cataract
Houda Brarou*; Manal Bouggar; Zakaria Chaabi; Soundouss Sebbata; Lucrece Joannele Eriga Vydalie; Soukaina Laaouina; Samah Sadiki; Nermine Belayachi; Taoufik Abdellaoui; Yassine Mouzari; Abdelbarre Oubaaz
A 32 years old male patient presented to the Ophthalmology Department reporting a progressive decrease in vision in his right eye (OD) in the past year. He reported a history of blunt right eye injury while 18 months ago. At the time of the injury, the patient was asymptomatic. After the incident occurred, the patient did not have a further ophthalmic examination.
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Blue-Green Inclusions in Neutrophils in a Patient with Pancreatic Necrosis
Tatiyana V Konyuhova; Ekaterina V Trukhina*
Blue-green cytoplasmic inclusions in neutrophils in peripheral blood smears are an important finding described in critically ill patients and associated mainly with acute liver failure and lactic acidosis. Also, blue-green inclusions have been described in patients with multiple organ failure, COVID19 infection, yellow fever and sepsis caused by E. Coli.
Short Commentary
A Critical Assessment of Inpatient Dermatology Service Line in the Rural United States
Anna Conner*; Nupur Singh; Zachary Nahmias
Dermatological services in rural America are sparse, and minimal research is published on the demographics and presentations of patients and their dermatologic conditions in these areas. There are 3.4 dermatologists per 100,000 people in the United States (U.S.); while this density has increased in the past two decades, it is less than the recommended 4 per 100,000 [1].
Research Article
Aging is Another Word for Living: Health-Related Quality of Life Among Elderly - A Review
Suja Kumari S*; Renjulal Yasodharan
The pandemic 2019 coronavirus illness (COVID-19), which caused massive mortality, spread quickly across continents. Older persons are more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, particularly those with medical conditions.
Short Commentary
Botanical, Chemical, and Pharmacological Characteristics of Carob Tree (Ceratonia Siliqua L)
Rahal El Kahkahi*; Meryama Moustaine; Rachid Zouhair
In Morocco the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.), is scattered in the wild or articificial state throughout the country. It belongs to the Ceasalpiniaceae subfamily of the legume family, is a sclerophyllous, xerophilic, thermophilic, calciclous and heliophilous species.
Research Article
Machine Learning-Based Feature Selection for Predicting Autism Spectrum Disorder in Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Maryam Asadinezhad; Leila Pazouki; Zahra Mahmoodkhani; Negareh Poursalehi; Aria Jahanimoghadam; Maryam Moradnia; Mohammad Yahya Vahidi Mehrjardi*; Mojtaba Movahedinia*
In this study, we aimed to utilize machine learning techniques to facilitate the early detection of autism in children, with the understanding that early intervention can significantly improve treatment outcomes and enhance self-sufficiency in adult life. Our research focused on 125 samples obtained from clinics in Yazd, Iran.
Case Report
Catamenial Anaphylaxis: A Case Report with Cyclical Issue
Mohammad Hassan Bemanian; Mina Ahmadi*; Fatemeh Afrashteh
Catamenial anaphylaxis, a scarcity subtype of menstrual cycle-associated allergic reactions, characterized by a spectrum of manifestations ranging from mild cough or the severe angioedema and loss of consciousness due to hypersensitivity reactions occurring predominantly during the first days of menstruation.
Research Article
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Healthcare Facilities in Bayelsa State Nigeria: A Primordial Prevention Strategy for Infectious Disease Control
Priscilla Chidinma Ogbonna*; Evangeline T Oparaocha; Evangel Chinyere Anyanwu
Lack or inadequate Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Healthcare Facilities (HCF) have been reported severally as having an impact on the transmission of infectious diseases or outbreak of infectious diseases in a healthcare setting.
Short Commentary
Dentogenic Blockages of the Glymphatic System and the Resulting Brain Problems
Doepp Manfred*
The brain has a glymphatic system for detoxification, which drains the toxins into the lymphatic system of the head. This system is stressed by toxin-producing processes in the mouth area to the point of blockage.
Research Article
Abnormal Changes of Cerebral Blood Flow in Hypertension with Different Risk Levels
Baijie Wang#; Ge Zhang#; Xiuchun Wang; Chunyan Yu; Qiang Li; Weizhao Lu; Feng Wang*; Yan Shao*
The purpose of this study was to examine the different alterations in Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) induced by hypertension across various risk levels.
Research Article
Predictive Value of Six-Minute Walking Test in Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients in Benghazi
Essam A Eldenna; Faiza A Elhamdy; Nagwa Elghryani*; Mohamed M Khamis
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) poses a significant threat to heart health. The six-Minute Walking Test (6MWT) assesses patients' ability to walk the longest distance possible on a level course in six minutes, with parameters like arterial pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation monitored.
Research Article
Seroprevalence and Associated Factors of Ovine and Caprine Brucellosis in Dubti District of Afar Region, Ethiopia
Teshager Dubie*; Trhas Kasa; Getachew Kinfe*
Brucellosis is a bacterial zoonotic disease that causes reproductive losses in animals and poses public health hazards as well as economic impact in sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia.
Research Article
Deciphering the Causal Relationships between Blood Metabolites and Coronary Atherosclerosis: A Comprehensive Mendelian Randomization Study
Song Liantai; Zhao Yujia; Tian Feng; Yang Mengxin; Zhang Wenhui; Wu Jianzhao; Li Rong; Xu Qian*
This study aims to investigate the causal relationships between specific blood metabolites and the risk of coronary atherosclerosis using a two-sample Mendelian Randomization (MR) approach.
Research Article
Investigation of Clock Genes Expression in G-CSF Mobilized Individuals at Different Hours of the Day
Sanaz Aghajani; Alireza Farsinejad; Elham Roshandel; Abbas Hajifathali*
Studies have shown that the mobilization of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) is continuous and dependent on the circadian rhythms. In this study we have aimed to investigate of clock genes including PER-1, PER-2, PER-3 and CRY-1 expression in G-CSF-mobilized individuals at different hours of the day.
Research Article
Prevalence, Types, Risk Factors, and Outcome of Congenital Malformations in Two Health Facilities in the South West Region of Cameroon
Yolande Djike PF*; Charlotte Eposse; Winifred N Abanda; Yanelle Wandji; Diomède N Njinkui; Naiza Monono; Godlove K Jator; Andreas Chiabi
Birth defects also known as congenital abnormalities are structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life and can be identified prenatally, at birth, or be detected later in infancy.
Research Article
Chailing Decoction Generated Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells and Suppressed Activity of mTOR Signaling Pathway in a Murine Cardiac Transplantation Model
Deli Cui; Youman Zhang; Changjun Tan; Zhong Liu*
To investigate the effects of Chailing Decoction, a herbal medicine, on the generation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and its potential signaling pathways in preventing graft rejection. Methods: The study utilized C3H mice that underwent cardiac transplantation and received either Chailing Decoction or rapamycin.
Short Report
Vulvar Angiokeratoma after Radical Hysterectomy and Radiotherapy: Case Report
Hamraoui Hafsa*; Elloudi Sara; Baybaye Hanane; Soughi Meryem; Douhi Zakia; Mernissi Fatima Zahra
Angiokeratomas are relatively rare vascular malformations, whose surface is keratotic and located at the vulvar level called Fordyce angiokeratoma. We report the case of a vulvar angiokeratoma post hysterectomy and radiotherapy.
Research Article
Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 on Occupants in Nigeria
Oluchi A Olofin; Adeniran J Ikuesan; Benneth M Okike; Abdulrasheed M Bello; Eze E Ajaegbu*; Ijeoma O Okolo; Nnyeneime U Bassey; Tunde A Aduloju; Ukachukwu C Ezeh; Blessing C Nwaso; Flora N Ezugworie; Phina C Ezeagwu; Juliet O Nwigwe; Ethel E Adimora; Juliana O Ndubuisi; Chinenye A Nwobodo; Gloria T Onah; Jane I Ugochukwu; Jennifer N Ewa-Elechi; Florence O Nduka
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) known as Covid-19 is a public health problem of global significance and a threat to psychosocial alterations.
Research Article
Factors Associated with the Satisfaction of Parents of Children Hospitalized in the Pediatric Ward in Togo
Takassi Ounoo Elom*; Agbeko Foli ; Djadou Koffi Edem
Patient satisfaction is a central element in the evaluation of the quality of care. The objective of the study was to describe the factors associated with the satisfaction of parents of children hospitalized in the pediatric ward at the Sylvanus Olympio Teaching Hospital.
Research Article
A Cross–Sectional Study on HIV Positive Mothers and Infant Feeding: Paradigm of Choices in a Regional Hospital in Cameroon
Pisoh W Dobgima*; Petra N Kana; Achuo Ascensius Ambe Mforteh; Samuel A Angwafor; Joel M Ngum; Felister Sevidzem; Andreas Chiabi
The general objective of this study was to identify the infant feeding choices of HIV-positive mothers in four hospitals in the Bamenda Health District.
Review Article
Insect Chemosensory Proteins against COVID-19
Jean-François Picimbon*
This article describes a novel strategy to fight SARS-CoV-2 infection by employing tiny soluble binding proteins called "Odorant Binding Proteins" (OBPs), "Niemann-Pick Type C2 (NPC2s)"
Case Report
New Cardiovascular Event One Year Later in Patient with Good Control of Cardiovascular Risk Factor
Domenico Mario Giamundo*; Francesco Barillà; Lucy Barone; Alessio Di Landro; Domenico Sergi; Massimo Marchei
Secondary prevention after SCA (Acute Coronary Syndrome) is of paramount importance to reduce the incidence of MACE and improve prognosis in follow-up. The control of avoidable risk factors.
Research Article
Pediatric Atelectasis: Insights from Diagnostic Imaging
Rebeca Tenajas; David Miraut*
This article presents a detailed case study of a 10-year-old child, born in 2013, exhibiting symptoms of a febrile syndrome and subsequent diagnostic findings suggestive of atelectasis through chest radiography and Computed Tomography (CT) scans without intravenous contrast
Research Article
Patterns and Determinants of Undernutrition in Pre-School Age Children in the North West Region of Cameroon
Andreas Chiabi*; Rosine Ngum; Loveline Lum Niba; Alex Tatang Mambap; Samuel Angwafor; Gloria Ashuntantang
Malnutrition is a major public health concern for children under five years. About 45% of deaths among children under five years globally are linked to undernutrition.
Research Article
Evaluation of the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity of the Pulp of Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lam (Moraceae)
Johnson-Ajinwo*; Okiemute Rosa*; Paul-Worika; Priscilla Nengi
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Moraceae) - Jackfruit beyond its culinary uses has been used to treat ailments ethnomedicinally. Its bark, leaves, seeds, and pulp are rich sources of bioactive compounds.
Research Article
Digital Twins for Risk Prediction of Microwave Radiation in the Human Eye
Adamopoulou Maria; Makrynioti Dimitra; Fouras Athanasios; Messaris Gerasimos; Hatzilygeroudis Ioannis; Koutsojannis Constantinos*
Recent studies support the long-held belief that the lens of the eye is one of the human body's most radiosensitive tissues, especially in the ocular region. This study highlights the influence of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which may cause cataracts or other visual illnesses.
Short Commentary
Italian Spetiale/Medical Doctor in the 17th/18th Century: Culture, Food and Environment or a Better Healthness
Pierfrancesco Morganti*; Pier Paolo Visentin; Hong-Duo Chen
The way of thinking and working of the ancient pharmacists and medical doctors have been repored together with some "curious" prescriptions, comparing and focusing their culture to the actual way of living.
Short Report
High Intercostal Space Twelve-Lead ECG in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy
Stefan Peters*
The value of high intercostal spaces of lead V1 and V2 is analyzed in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. In this ECG writing technique a localized right precorial QRS prolongation and right precordial T-wave inversion can be demonstrated. In normal intercostal spaces only electroanatomic scar and myocardial atrophy documented in lead aVR was present.
Short Commentary
Typical Electrocardiographic Features in Arrhythmogenic Left Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
Stefan Peters*
Since 2020 arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy includes a right dominant form, a biventricular form and a left dominant form. Already in 2004 Carvajal syndrome was first described in Ecuador within families [1]. This syndrome includes a slighty dilated, poor contracting left ventricle and hair and skin abnormalities with curly hair and plantopalmar keratosis. The genetic background were mutations of the desmoplakin gene.
Review Article
Trends in the Application of Stem Cells for the Treatment of Diabetes
Jember Tesfahun Bekele*; Gizaw Solomon Tebeje
Diabetes mellitus is a global epidemic that showed a dramatic worldwide increase in its incidence and has been associated with life threatening complications if not detected and managed properly. Even though, insulin and oral anti-diabetic drugs were used for its management, lots of efforts are made to improve patient's care by pancreas and islet transplantation along with stem cell therapies like embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and adult mesenchymal stem cells.
Research Article
Prevalence of Diseases in Internally Displaced Persons Camps during Climate Change (Flooding) in a Low-Income Setting
Chuma Edward Emembolu; Ben Afam Obidike; Ijeoma Valentina Ikeanyionwu; Afam Cyril Anaeme; Caroline Onyeari Njaka; Kenneth Uzoechina Nwokolo; Nonye Juliana Ezeonyejiaku; Chinenye John Peter Obi; Arinze Anthony Onwuegbuna; Onyeka Chukwudalu Ekwebene; Johnbosco Emmanuel Mamah; George Uchenna Eleje*
To determine the common diseases in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps during the flooding. The study was conducted in IDP camps in Anambra State, south-east Nigeria during the last quarter of 2022 (October to December 2022). Secondary data obtained from patients' record booklets was used. A total number of 19,080 people were in the camps.
Short Commentary
Αnxiety, Depression and Stress in People Undergoing Surgery
Theofilidis Antonios*; Paramythiotis Daniel; Michalopoulos Antonios
The burden of negative emotional states, such as anxiety and depression and stress in people undergoing surgery it is indisputable, because it is a critical event that often happens perceived as an unfamiliar and frightening experience.
Clinical Image
A Case of Lymphoplasmacytic Cell Lymphoma Characterized by Marked Nuclear Fission and Brain Gyrus Nuclei of Lymphocytes
Zailin Yang; Yu Peng; Longrong Ran; Xuelian Wu; Shuang Chen*
A 67-year-old male was admitted to the hospital due to fatigue and thrombocytopenia. Peripheral blood cells analysis showed the white blood cells count of 2.99 × 109/L, red blood cell (RBC) count of 2.08 × 1012/L, platelet count
Clinical Image
A Case of Dysphagia due to an Esophageal Duplication Cyst in a Difficult Anatomical Site: A Challenging Situation for Endoscopic Treatment
Christos Sotiropoulos*; Christos Konstantakis; Odysseas Ampazis; Georgia Diamantopoulou, Georgios Theocharis; Christos Triantos; Konstantinos Thomopoulos
Esophageal duplication cyst is a rare congenital cyst that results from aberration of the posterior division of the embryonic foregut at the fourth to eighth week of gestation. Most of these cysts become symptomatic in childhood, whereas in adults they are usually an asymptomatic incidental radiographic or endoscopic finding.
Review Article
Critical Analysis of Health Literacy and its Impact on Health Outcomes
Olufemi Segun Shoyemi*; Abdulsalam A; Iyabo Funmilayo Dorcas Oni; Abubakar Ibrahim Hassan; Azeez TA
Health literacy has to do with the individual's capacity to understand, access and apply information available to health so as to make better choices and decisions. In recent times, the increased numbers of health illiterate across the globe with many having difficulties in grasping the notion of disease prevention and several struggling with health promotion.
Review Article
Reticulocyte Indexes and their Significance
Bashir Abdrhman*
A crucial diagnostic tool for assessing, categorizing, and monitoring the effectiveness of anemia treatment is the reticulocyte count. The quality of erythropoiesis is an intrinsic aspect of the pathophysiology of anemia, and the ability of reticulocyte production would be one of the pivotal factors in the quality of erythropoiesis.
Review Article
Examination of the Effectiveness of Health Education Programs in Preventing Chronic Diseases
Olufemi Segun Shoyemi*; Abdulsalam A; Iyabo Funmilayo Dorcas Oni; Abubakar Ibrahim Hassan; Taye Oladele ARO; Azeez TA
Chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic dysfunctions, infectious diseases, HIV and other noncommunicable diseases continue to account for increased rate of mortality.
Research Article
Folic Acid in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Leonardo Massoni*
It is known that Folic Acid (FA) plays an important role in normal brain development and functions. Interest is growing about the implications of folic acid employment in neuropsychiatric disorders.
Review Article
The View Point of Covid-19: Update Information
E Ghazizadeh*; Zahra Naseri
At the end of December 2019, "pneumonia of unknown cause" occurred Later, the specialized cause was identified and coined as Severe Respiratory Disorders Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and the disease was named "Coronavirus Disease 2019" (COVID-19).
Short Report
Electrocardiographic Variants of Ventricular Predominance in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy
Stefan Peters*
Desmoglein-2 and Desmocollin-2 mutations cause different types of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy either dominant right, biventricular or dominant left forms. These two mutations present with myocardial cell necrosis and calcification [1,2].
Short Commentary
Rationale for Living Donor Organ Transplantation
Angelika C Gruessner; Rainer WG Gruessner*
The use of Living Donors (LDs) for the purpose of solid organ transplantation has raised many questions and concerns from the very infancy of this field and have continued over time.
Research Article
The Effective Factors on the Adherence to Drugs Treatment Behaviors in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Based on Theory Planned Behavior
Sara Hamtaeigashti; Mohsen Shamsi*; Mohammad Ali Sahraian; Raheleh Soltani; Amir Almasi-Hashiani
In Multiple Sclerosis (MS), non-adherence is related to suboptimal response to treatment, including disease relapses and the need for more expensive healthcare. The aim of this study was to identify predictors related to treatment adherence drugs in Iranian MS patients.
Research Article
Formulation and Evaluation of Lozenges Containing Freeze Dried Aqueous Extract of Mangifera indica for Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Udem Ngozi Dorathy*; Adikwu Michael Umale
This study focused on the formulation of freeze dried Mangifera indica. (MI) lozenges dosage form, which enables proper dosing of MI for patients that are unable to swallow solid drugs. Soft lozenges containing freeze dried aqueous extract of MI were prepared by melting Polyethylene glycol 1000(PEG 1000) to 70oC and gradually addition of MI with stirring after cooling.
Research Article
Assessment of Surgical Treatment Results of Adult Traumatic Femoral Neck Fracture
Javad Khajemozafari*; Karim Pisoudeh; Mohammad Reza Sarshar; Mohammad Bagher Sohrabi
Femoral Neck Fracture (FNF) is one of the most common that, causing problems and complications for patients. The purpose of the present study is to investigate surgical treatment results of traumatic femoral neck fracture in adults under 60 years.
Research Article
The Effects of Surgical Lipedema Therapy on Psychological Variables in Younger Patients between 18 and 35 Years
Sophie Florine Arndt; Erich Kasten*; Bernd Klesper
Lipedema is a chronic inflammatory fat distribution disorder that largely affects women. This article addresses the effects of surgical lipedema therapy to changes in the constructs of self-esteem, quality of life, body image, and the development of depressive symptoms.
Research Article
Targeted Screening for Undiagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease among Asymptomatic Immediate Family Members of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Experience from a Teaching Hospital in South Eastern Nigeria
Bartholomew C Ozuemba; Chidiebele M Ezeude*
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a worldwide epidemic that is associated with a huge morbidity, mortality and high healthcare cost. In Nigeria, the number of patients with CKD progressing to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is increasing.
Case Series
Dermoscopy in the Diagnosis of Darier's Disease: A Precise Approach
Kaoutar Mejjati*; Zakia Douhi; Souhaila El Yaagoubi; Meryem Soughi; Sara Elloudi; Hanane Baybay; Layla Tahiri EL Ousrouti; Fatima Zahra Mernissi
Darier's disease, a rare genetic condition with autosomal transmission that alters keratinization, clinically manifests as pruritic keratotic papules, mainly localized on seborrheic areas. Due to the similarity in presentation with other pathologies, dermoscopy plays a crucial role in diagnostic orientation.
Clinical Image
Renal Biopsy in Monoclonal Gammopathies
Giovanni D'Arena1*; Giuseppe Gigliotti
The association between monoclonal gammopathies and kidney damage is commonly seen. In Multiple Myeloma (MM) the renal involvement is a sign of active disease to be treated. In addition, a clinical condition called "monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance" has been proposed in 2012 to describe hematological conditions producing a monoclonal immunoglobulin associated with kidney injury outside of MM and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS).
Case Report
Methodology Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform for Estimation of the Drop Jump Gesture
Mayorga Laura*; Sierra Alexander; Rodríguez Luis
One of the main objectives of sports biomechanics is the improvement of sports performance. The Drop Jump (DJ) is a vertical jump that seeks to evaluate reactive strength capacity, which can also be expressed as the ability to perform the muscle Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC) quickly [1].
Research Article
Social Determinants of Health Services Utilization Among Patient with Chronic Diseases Based on the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey
Cheng Cong; Xiao Lei; Yang Jian; Hu Qian; Yang Yuan; Zhang Fan*
In a word, the published studies are about health services among different population groups. Moreover, most of these studies focused on the relationship between medical insurance and health services, without utilizing the latest data and large sample sizes.
Research Article
Mumps is Transmitted by Droplets
Siniša Franjić*
Mumps is an acute, contagious viral disease with characteristic enlargement and pain of the salivary glands, most often the parotid. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the clinical picture, and the treatment is supportive.
Mini Review
Virtual Reality in Mental Health Interventions: A Mini-Review
Jose Ferrer Costa*
The escalating incidence of mental health disorders calls for innovative therapeutic interventions. Virtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a significant augmentation to traditional therapeutic strategies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy.
Short Commentary
Adherence to Diet Advice Accelerates Weight Loss After 25 Days
Brian Wansink*
To determine the relationship between the number of days of adherence to weight loss advice and actual weight loss. Weight loss tips were randomly assigned within broad categories to participants. Number of days of adherence and weight loss were then recorded. Tips were distributed through a popular weight loss related website.
Case Report
Myalgia and Muscle Weakness Caused by Fish Allergy: A Case Report
Abdelkarim Mohamed; Obada Adel Alsakaji; Muad Abdi Hassan*; Bassem Al Hariri
While being considered part of a healthy diet, consuming fish can induce an allergic response in susceptible individuals, and its subsequent manifestations can range from simple to severe. These manifestations are usually mediated by the activation of mast cells and the release of their mediators.
Case Report
Exploring Dens Invaginatus Types I and II: Diagnosis, Challenges, and Solutions - A Case Report
Hajer Zaghdoudi*; Amira Kikly; Nabiha Douki
Dens invaginatus is a common malformation of maxillary lateral incisors with varying anatomical features that impose challenges to diagnosis and treatment. It is considered a real clinical entity which, even if the tooth is clinically healthy, it can cause pulpal damages that can progress silently and lead to necrosis and its complications.
Research Article
Predictors of Intern Pharmacists Job Satisfaction in Federal Teaching Hospitals in Southeast Nigeria
Eruchalu CJ; Ogbonna BO*; Okafor CI; Onodugo C; Ogbonna JC; Okpi O; Nnamani NR; Okezie S; Ani AC; Agu CM
Job satisfaction is a quality assessment standard measure used in evaluation of employers output and outcomes. Increase in job satisfaction correlates positively with employees output. This study assessed the predictors of intern pharmacists job satisfaction ina tertiary hospital in southeast Nigeria.
Research Article
Evaluation of Community Pharmacist-Based Differentiated Care in HIV/AIDS Management Services in Nigeria from 1980 to 2022: A Narrative Review
Ighorodje E Austine; Daniel U Eze; Victor U Chigozie; Nduka O Sunday; Ogbonna O Brian*
The World Health Organization promotion of community pharmacist-based global strategy to increase access to ART prompted the differentiated care model to meet the target of HIV/AIDS while maintaining quality of care. Published literature has highlights of the involvement with sparse information on the community pharmacists in Rivers State.
Research Article
Comparison of Honey Wax and Olive Oil with 1% Silver Sulfadiazine Dressing on Pain and Wound Healing in Burn
Arezou Karampourian; Javad Feradmal; Roya Amini*; Shirin Moradkhani; Mohammad Yousef Alikhani; Rasoul Salimi; Nahid Mohammadi
Burn is painful, and burn wound healing is a prolonged process. This study aimed to compare the effects of Honey Wax and Olive oil with 1% Silver Sulfadiazine (SSD) dressing on burn wound pain attenuation and healing. Patients with two burn wounds were randomly divided into two groups. One group was dressed with honey wax and olive oil (intervention) and another wound was dressed with SSD (control).
Research Article
Practice, Risk Perception, and Correlates of Self-Medication Among Pregnant Women in Awka
Maduka Anthony; Daniel U Eze; Victor U Chigozie; Ogbonna O Brian*
Despite global discouragement of the practice of self-medication in pregnancy, available data showed that the practice still thrives in many parts of the world, especially the developing nations. Despite the major associated risk of potential harm to the mother and her fetus, self-mediation is believed to be a major driving force behind the increasing burden of anti-microbial resistance.
Research Article
Community Pharmacies, Extent of Services, and Preparedness for Primary Health Care Policy Implementation in Nigeria from 1980 to 2022: A Narrative Review
Mbanefo Maureen O; Daniel U Eze; Osigwe C Clementina; Nnamani Monica; Victor U Chigozie; Ogbonna Brian O*
To attain the goal of universal health coverage it is imperative to effectively utilize all healthcare resources and personnel. However, a significant obstacle to achieving this objective is the lack of comprehensive wholistic up to date information on primary healthcare services and the extent to which community pharmacies participation.
Research Article
The Portrayal of Health Disparities in New Jersey's Local Newspapers: A Text Mining Approach
Mumtahina Obaid; Rifat Afrin*; Ahasan Harun; Gayle Prybutok; Victor R Prybutok
Health disparity ensues when racial and ethnic minorities experience limitations in their ability to access health services, resulting in poor health outcomes. The extent to which the health disparity issue is covered in the news impacts how individuals perceive the severity of the issue and individuals' attitudes toward the issue.
Review Article
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Leonardo Massoni*
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disease characterized by deficits in social communication and the presence of restricted, repetitive behaviors or interests, as well as difficulties in emotional regulation. To date, pharmacological approaches are essentially limited to some drugs, such as aripiprazole and risperidone.
Research Article
Comparison of Humor Style Preferences Between Successfully Recovering Individuals and Newcomers Participating in 12-Step Recovery Programs
Benjamin Canha*
Humor has long been associated with potential benefits on physical and psychological health and well-being [1]. Identified and developed a tool to measure various functions, forms or styles of humor with either beneficial, adaptive expression or in detrimental, maladaptive operations.
Research Article
Tripterygium Wilfordii Reduces the Inflammatory Response in Transplant Vasculopathy
Qimin Wang; Yanqing Su; Yang Ye; Yao Lu*
Transplant vasculopathy (TV) is the most challenging threat during organ transplantation. The pathological induction of TV results from vascular endothelial cell injury. This study established the in vitro model of TV and investigated the attenuating effect of triptolide (TPL) on TV through multiple in vitro and in vivo assays.
Research Article
Effectiveness of Postnatal Home Visits in Reducing Fatigue Among Mothers with Unplanned Pregnancies
Norikazu Watanabe*; Mika Fukase; Seiji Tsutsumi; Akiko Sugiyama; Keiko Yamanouchi; Satoru Nagase
This study identified the risk factors for fatigue in child-rearing recognizable in early pregnancy and evaluated the effects of postnatal home visits on parenting fatigue. Data from 348 mothers who delivered live infants during January–March 2013 in Japan were collected retrospectively.
Review Article
Postpartum Uterine Diseases; Diagnostic Approaches and Management in Farm Animals: A Review
Natinael Dawit Kalacho*
Postpartum uterine infections results from uterine contamination with bacteria during parturition. The postpartum environment of the uterine lumen supports the growth of a variety of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. There are a number of risk factors for post-partum uterine disease in dairy cattle; cows having dystocia, retained placenta, twins or stillbirths and various metabolic disorders.
Review Article
Are Freshwater Sources Safe for the Health of Humans and Domestic Animals in Terms of Deadly Trematodiases?
Shanti Lal Choubisa*; Pallavi Choubisa
There are many types of lentic and lotic freshwater sources on earth, such as puddles, ponds, rivers, springs, dams, lakes, etc. and many of them are found near human settlements. But most of the people are not known and aware of these freshwater sources how safe and dangerous they can be.
Research Article
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Fractionated Artemia Urmiana Extract in Human Peripheral Blood Neutrophils System
Abdolkhalegh Deezagi*; Parisa Shahram
Marine organisms are great resources for discovering bioactive compounds with new antioxidant properties. The aim of this work was to purify and isolate the protein fractions of Artemia urmiana and to evaluate antioxidant activities of them on human peripheral blood neutrophils response.
Review Article
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for those in Early Addiction Recovery
Benjamin Canha*
The honesty exercise is a one-hour-long CBT sessions was designed specifically to treat addictive disorders that focus on the first three steps of the 12 Steps adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable. This review article describes step by step instructions for confronting denial in a new and powerful way using CBT principles. The Honesty Exercise and cartoons [2] were created by the author.
Review Article
A New Hope? Combination Immunotherapy for Microsatellite Stable Colorectal Cancer
Qian Xu; Caiyan Jia; Dan Yi; Fanming Kong; Yingjie Jia*
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the three most common malignancies globally while the mortality ranks second. Currently immunotherapy, like therapeutic monoclonal antibodies targeting immune checkpoints, have been found to have obvious benefit for patients who are DNA mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR)/high microsatellite instability (MSI-H) CRC.