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Peer Review

Med Discoveries tries hard to process manuscripts as thoroughly, and rapidly as possible. Peer reviewer's comments and recommendations are an essential guide to inform the editor's decision on a manuscript. All manuscripts which are submitted to Med-Discoveries Journals are subject to single-anonymous peer review.

MD journals believe that using anonymous peer reviewers is the best way to get honest opinions on manuscripts. Peer review ensures that manuscripts receive unbiased critique and expert feedback, allowing authors to improve their papers and therefore scientific research and reviews to be published. It also helps the readers to trust the scientific integrity of the article and to make informed decisions where peer reviewer comments are available.

Med Discoveries Journals take the support of the editorial board members and also highly qualified external reviewers for the reviewing of the submitted manuscripts. MD Journals takes at least 15-20 days of time for completing the review process. Once the review process is over, the articles are being published in the journal in different format.