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Guidelines to Authors

Med Discoveries Publishers takes the pride to publish best quality and well-researched medical content that create a great platform for the medical fraternity from all across the globe to come together and exchange their latest acquired knowledge in various niches of medical science. The journal always welcomes the submission of the best quality and genuine manuscripts that meets the world class standard of scientific excellence. Accepted manuscripts are published on the journal website and promoted in different academic and social media. The journal publishes the articles covering different areas of science and medicine in a series of volumes and issues. The various trends in medical research and development as well as the survival reports of critical cases which are being reported in our articles are of great need for further research and development of human kind.

Ethics of Publication and Statement of Malpractice

Med Discoveries Publications have a very strict checking system of the submitted manuscripts. All manuscripts are being checked by the panels of editors and then peer-reviewed to determine the quality of the contents. Copying without stating sources and duplication are considered to be unethical and on such instances all such submitted manuscripts are straight away rejected and informed to authors.

Submission of an Article

There are several manuscripts being submitted every day for our consideration. So, this is a tedious duty at our end as well. So, in order to avoid long delays we suggest the authors should adhere to the length, level and the format as suggested by Med Discoveries Publishers at every stage for quick and convenient processing and also to avoid rejection.

Every submitted article should necessarily have a 300 words summary or abstract (except for the letter to editors and clinical image submissions) which is separate from the main text. Abstract should be free from references. The summary is to be very carefully written and should clearly give a brief account of the entire work. It should necessarily contain the purpose of the study and the major methodologies adopted while conducting the research and very clearly highlighting all the major findings of the study. The main body text should ideally have sub-headings of each not exceeding 40 characters.

Formats for Med Discoveries Publishers

Med Discoveries Journal accepts several formats of literary works which are genuine and of premium quality as per world class standards. The formats which are being accepted by us are reviews, research articles, article commentaries, announcements, rapid communications, book reviews, annual meeting abstracts, letters to the editor, conference proceedings, discussions, corrections, reports, news, orations, obituaries, product reviews, analyses, hypotheses etc.

Guidelines of Article Preparation

The following guidelines if followed by the authors will maximize the chances of getting their work accepted by our panel of editors:

The authors are expected to send us an electronic covering letter that mentions the type of manuscript whether it is a review article, research article, case study or a brief report. Unless and until the authors receive a special invitation, the authors cannot categorize any particular manuscript as Letter to the Editor or concise communications.

This is to be ensured that the submitted manuscript for review should not be submitted elsewhere simultaneously for publishing.

It is to be clearly mentioned by the authors if they have any intention of earning financial benefits from the submitted literary work. This will help avoid any conflict of interest between the author and Med Discoveries after the publication.

A clear and relevant title is to be given to the article and all the details of the author have to be furnished as well. Author's information like his/her educational qualifications, the professional/academic institution he or she is associated with and the contact information are to be mandatorily provided in the title page.

The corresponding author also should mention his or her complete mailing address, telephone/cellphone number, e-mail id and fax number (if any) in the very first page of the manuscript.

The sheets in succession should be numbered chronologically so that the contents can be tracked easily by the panel of editors and peer reviewers.

Title page is to be numbered as Page 1. On the very first page, you require typing the running head, title and also the name of the author/s and their academic degrees are to be mentioned. Also authors have to include all other relevant information like the address of correspondence and contact details for reprint requests.

Guidelines for the Research Articles

Research articles are being generally written based on the secondary or empirical data that are being collected by utilizing a well-defined and proven method of research methodology. In such research articles, there are conclusions which are being drawn after thorough analysis of the data collected.

This information is to be based on the original research conducted that contributes to the knowledge depository of concerned niche of medical science.

The article(s) should very clearly provide an analysis or critical description of the presented data while you add evolving areas in this field.

An abstract of 300 words is to be necessarily added with at least 4 to 7 major keywords.

The abstract is to be divided into major sub-parts namely the Objective, Methods Results and Conclusion.

The various research articles should adhere to the recommended format which contains a proper introduction, a brief overview of the area of discussion, the methodology being adopted for the collection of data, discussion on the References, Tables and Figure Legends.

Review Articles

The review articles are being penned based on the secondary data that falls in line with the theme of the concerned journal. They are certainly brief but yet critical discussions on the focus aspect of the subject concerned. The reviews usually start with a problem statement accompanied with a brief extract of 300 words along with few relevant keywords. The introduction of a review article generally starts with the problem statement. Then there are analytical discussions that are accompanied with necessary and relevant graphs, tables, illustrations and pictures wherever it is necessary. It also summarizes the overall topic along with a conclusion. All of these statements or the observations in a particular review article are accompanied with necessary citations that provide all the desired references at the end of the article.


The commentaries are articles which specifically voices out opinions and are usually written by the veteran and experienced writers on a recent innovation or a research finding or a specific development. There are several brief articles with a unique title along with an abstract that provides the overall gist of the topic that is to be discussed with the help of few keywords. These articles are intended to point out the specific problems and provide thorough analysis supported with certain relevant illustrations, tables and graphs wherever necessary. It very well summarizes the overall topic along with a brief conclusion and also stating the references.

Case Study/Report

Case studies are being published with the aim to add several additional information that are related to the investigative research on the topic of interest.

The case studies usually add a lot of value to the main articles or contents that are being submitted and throws a lot of light on the key insights of the concerned core area. The case reports are generally brief and sought to follow a clear format for the convenience of the readers.

Every case report or a case series must contain: introduction, case presentation(s), discussion, and conclusion. Authors are requested to add case figures with proper legends.


The editorials are generally commentaries on the published issue of the publication. The Editorial office of Med Discoveries Publishers approach for the application for this profile and the authors who are interested in this are generally required to submit their applications before the provided deadline.

Clinical Images

The clinical images are nothing but the very organized pictorial depictions of certain chosen topic. This should not exceed five figures with their proper description and the description should not exceed 800 words. No citations or references are being stated for clinical images submissions. However, if required you may mention the references and this should not exceed more than three in number.


This particular section is the mention of the grant details, people and funds that are involved in the creation of the literary work, author contributions, conflict of interests, acknowledgements.


This is to be noted that only the accepted and published manuscripts are to be included in the reference list. The conference talks, meeting extracts or papers submitted that are not accepted for publishing are not to be mentioned in the references under any circumstances. Authors are being directed to provide an online link for every reference as they could be published online.

Reference sample format (to use in articles)

Journal article with less than 5 authors: Alhola P, Polo-Kantola P. Sleep deprivation: Impact on Cognitive Performance. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2007; 3: 553-67.

Journal article with more than 5 authors: Patrick Y, Lee A, Raha O, Pillai K, Gupta S, et al. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive and Physical Performance in University Students. Sleep Biol Rhythms. 2017; 15: 217-225.

Website URLs: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/

Scientific associations: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV. 4th American Psychological Association; DC. USA. 1994.

Journal article ahead of print: Gandedkar NH, Liou EJ. The immediate effect of alternate rapid maxillary expansions and constrictions on the alveolus. Advances in Orthodontics. 2018 [In press].


The tables are to be used at a minimum and if used should be designed in a very simple manner. In case it is very necessary to insert a table in your content, the authors should necessarily submit the tables only in .doc format. This is to be kept in mind that the tables are to be typed double-spaced throughout which also is applicable for the headings and footnotes. Every table inserted in the content should be on separate pages and should be numbered properly. Every table should necessarily have a heading as well as a legend. The tables should necessarily be self-explanatory with any reference to the text. The various details of the methods of experimentation are being described in the legend instead of explaining them in textual format. Provide legends to all the tables.

Supplementary tables (if any) are published with a separate URL without doing any changes in the format.


There are preferred file formats for the representation of the photographic images like JPEG, GIF, TIFF formats. If you have the images in some other formats, then you may send us the Photoshop files and we would do the required modifications at our end. All images should be above the intended display size with image resolutions of the following dimensions: Line Art 800 dpi, Combination of Line Art and Halftone of 600 dpi, Halftone of 300 dpi.

Proofs and Reprints

The electronic proofs are being sent as an e-mail attachment to the corresponding writer or author as a PDF file. Page proofs are being considered to be the final version of the submitted manuscript and authors are requested to mark the changes (if any) in the PDF. The publishing house provides only 1 week to make the changes in the galley poof. Hard copies of the published manuscripts can also be obtained from our editorial office on special request.


All the contents which would be published on this website are copyrighted and none can copy, transmit or distribute the original work published without quoting the source appropriately.